Discounts & Offers.
Get 15% off all Products
Nadia has been a customer of Free Soul for a long time and is a big fan of adding their Vegan Protein Blend to shakes and smoothies. Use code: THEYOGADISSIDENT for 15% off all products site-side.
Get 30% off all subscriptions
Nadia has been friends with MFML’s founder since the online platform was established in 2013. Use code NADIA30 for 30% off all subscriptions to gain unlimited access to yoga, meditation and wellbeing classes.
Try Skin + Me for £3.50
As a massive skincare enthusiast, Nadia started using Skin + Me in July 2022 and hasn’t looked back. It’s a tailor-made prescription-strength Vitamin A (Retinol) formula that can treat all manner of conditions such as hyper pigmentation, skin texture and more. Get your first and fifth months for £3.50 using the code: NADIAG7RDGQ.
Get 50% off flexi subscriptions
Nadia has tried all kinds of gut-supporting probiotic tablets and fermented foods and nothing has worked as effectively as Symprove. It’s been a total gamechanger. Add Nadia Gilani at checkout for 50% off the first 3 months of a flexi subscription. That’s as long it can take to feel the difference Symprove says. This one’s highly recommended ; )