Join sound Healer Kate Stewart and Nadia Gilani author of The Yoga Manifesto to celebrate a belated Beltane (also known as May Day). Beltane is a Celtic festival that falls on May 1st halfway between the spring equinox and the coming summer solstice. It celebrates spring at its peak, and the coming summer. We’ll be using this time as an opportunity to check in with where we are at this point in the year, welcoming wherever that might be and taking time to focus on what we want to cultivate more of for an abundant rest of year.
The evening will kick off with an introduction to Nadia’s book The Yoga Manifesto followed by a reading and informal conversation and Q&A on some of the key themes of the book which deal with the challenges of finding faith when all hope is gone.
We’ll then move onto a 60 minute Yin + Yoga Nidra class that incorporates a two floor-based practises to wind down the week and ground ourselves before ending with an intention setting (because Spring) Yoga Nidra leaving you rested in body and alert in mind.Yoga Nidra is a magical relaxation practice that’s designed to make us ‘fall awake’ so that the body is deeply rested while the mind if fully attentive and alert.
During the second half of the evening you will get to experience the soothing sounds of the Crystal Singing Bowls led by Kate. The intention of this Sound Bath is to provide a safe space for you to deeply relax, to fully integrate the goodness from yoga and nidra practice and support with any healing the body might need.
The Crystal Singing Bowls produce healing frequencies that will activate your parasympathetic nervous system which allows the body to rest, digest, restore and repair. These frequencies slow our brainwaves down, quietening down our monkey minds and allowing us to drift into a floaty dreamlike meditative state, helping to bring about balance and harmony, remove any stagnant/ stuck energy and help to relieve stress and anxiety.
After the Sound Bath we come back together in our circle, to connect, share a tea, share our experiences and ask any questions. You'll also have the opportunity to buy Nadia's book. If you've already got a copy of the book feel free to bring it along if you'd like to get it signed!